Design Implementation / Construction

At Garden Harvest, we take pride in transforming your design from concept to reality. We ensure full transparency in all costs and collaborate with you to select materials that align with your aesthetic preferences and budget.

We handle all logistics, providing and delivering all plants and materials, so you can enjoy a hassle-free experience.

Our construction process begins by preparing the site, ensuring optimal soil conditions and layout based on the detailed site assessment conducted during the design phase. Our skilled team constructs and installs all elements of your garden, including raised beds, irrigation systems, pathways, and supporting structures. Throughout the process, we maintain open communication to ensure the project stays on track and meets your expectations.

Our commitment to sustainability means we create garden structures that are chemical-free, sustainably sourced, and non-toxic. Each installation is crafted to the highest  standards, resulting in beautiful, productive, and ecologically friendly garden environments that support pollinators.

Contact us today to learn more and begin your journey.

For more information on our landscaping design, implementation and maintenance services, contact us today.